ADCS is designed to:
- extinguishing the initial angular velocity obtained by the nanosatellite (NS) after separation from the launch vehicle and the orientation of the NS in the orbital coordinate system;
- provide three-axis orientation of the NS with a given accuracy;
- determine the orientation of the NS with respect to the Sun and the Earth in the normal / standby mode.
- Definitions of the geographical position of the NS in orbit.
Features ADCS:
- orientation accuracy of pitch and roll is not worse - 5o, yaw - 2o;
- the accuracy of determining the orientation of pitch, roll and yaw not worse - 1o;
- error in the determination of navigational parameters no more than:
- Places: - 5 m (typical value of ~ 2 m)
- height - 8 m (typical value of ~ 3 m)
- Time - 50 ns,
- speed - 0.1 m / s;
- Number of channels receiver navigation system NS - 24;
- normal operation period of not less than 1.5 years.
- The NS has an active magnetic orientation and stabilization system.
Composition CAS:
- electromagnets (3 pcs.);
- sensors the Sun coordinates (3 pcs, Located on the faces of the NS);
- magnetic sensor (1 piece);
- Mini flywheel (1 pc.);
- Receiver GPS / Glonass (1 pc.);
- Antennas GPS / Glonass (2 pcs.);
- Electronic Gyroscopes (2 pcs.);
- The angular velocity sensor 3-axis digital (1 pc.);
- The angular velocity sensor 3-axis analog (1 pc.).
Specialized software, contained in the subsystem data handling, performs an analysis of the sensor signals and control of orientation subsystem actuators.
Scheme of the radio navigation system
Computer verifying of the navigation system. Receiving navigation signals analysis simultaneously with the group of navigation satellites for solving navigation .
Calculation of the orbital parameters and control signals
Direction of the sun sensor |
Magnetometer |
Orientation subsystem electromagnet
Options electromagnets
The magnetic moment |
1 |
(X) |
Hmax=0,16A/ m2 |
2 |
(Y) |
Hmax=0,16A/ m2 |
3 |
(Z) |
Hmax=0,13A/ m2 |
Sun angular coordinates slot sensor
Sunny sensor is designed to control the orientation system and thermal control system of the satellite.
The operating principle of the sensor slot on the basis of photoeffect.
The sensor provides information about the angle between the normal to the surface and the direction of the sun. This is possible thanks to the fact that the beam formed by light passing through the slit diaphragm comes to the surface of the photoelectric transducer which is composed of two channels. Depending on the angle between the normal and the direction to the sun beam lights in different proportions two halves each with photoconverter. According to this attitude change of the incident light power on these channels and changes the relative ratio of their currents. The difference between these currents with a opposite turned on the two channels causes a change in the resultant voltage on phototransducer that seats an additional electronic circuitry and converted into the desired form for further processing.
Sensor settings
The accuracy of determining the direction of the sun ± 1Åã
The maximum range of measured angles ± 70Åã
Working range of measured angles ± 60Åã
The mass assembly - no more than 14 g
Operating temperature range from + 85Åã to -60Åã
Dimensions - no more 20*38,5*5 mm
Data update rate: More than 10 Hz (depending on the ADC)
Channels: 5 channels of information data
Power consumption: Less than 10 mA
Power supply voltage: 1.25 V and 3.3 V
Radiation resistance: power irradiation 7 MeV, T = 150 ° C, duration 3 h., the radiation dose 100 krad Si, which corresponds to the conditions of stay space for 2 years. The degradation of the sensor is less than 5% per year.